Installation af
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Installation af
Vi installerer og optimerer belysning for mindre og større virksomheder med fokus på indeklima, arbejdsmiljø og energi forbrug.
Gennem mange års erfaring med LED belysning kender vi markedet og hvilken indflydelse god belysning har på en arbejdsplads. Det er aldrig for sent at få forbedret sit indeklima og energiforbrug. Kontakt os her for at høre mere.
Vores services
Første skridt er en gratis konsultation hvor der aftales hvad der kan/skal gøres, og der kigges nærmere på hvilke muligheder der er.
Under konsultationen vil en serie af værktøjer blive brugt til at danne sig et fyldigt billede af situationen. På denne måde vil vi sammen finde den bedste løsning, ikke kun energimæssigt og økonomisk, men også i forhold til gældende lovkrav angående belysning på en arbejdsplads.
I andet skridt af processen kommer vores screenere ud på lokationerne, for at forberede vores montører på opgaven som skal løses.
Herefter tager vores screener hjem og forbereder en rapport baseret på den indsamlede data.
Rapporten som vores screener udfærdigede i forrige skridt, bliver nu sendt til pakning, og det bedst egnede team får opgaven tildelt.
Det valgte team går igennem rapporten i samarbejde med den oprindelige screener hvor detaljer diskuteres og materialer til opgaven klargøres.
Vores montører ankommer og går, sammen med den ansvarlige hos kunden, igennem de kommende dages arbejde. Kunden er opmærksom på hvad der kommer til at ske, og arbejdet kan påbegyndes.
Vores screener kommer tilbage til lokationen, hvor installationen gennemgås i samarbejde med den ansvarlige på stedet. Er der kommet nye ønsker eller andet under forløbet, aftales det videre forløb her.
Installationen er nu færdig
COOPs LED-installation har moderniseret belysningen, sparet energi og skabt en mere behagelig og effektiv arbejdsplads. Dette skridt mod bæredygtighed afspejler COOPs vision.
Projekt type: LED Installation
Status: Afsluttet
Virksomhed: Coop
Land: Danmark
Lokationer: 691
Løbetid: 72 uger
Lyskilder udskiftet
kWh strøm sparet
ton CO2 sparet
Du kan skrive til os på mail, ringe til os eller benytte kontaktformularen.
– Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!
Lollandsgade 4, 6400 Sønderborg, Danmark
Telefon:+45 50 54 77 02
Lollandsgade 4
6400 Sønderborg
Tel: +45 50 54 77 02
CVR: 38245724
We use cookies
Cookie preferences
This tool assists you in selecting and disabling various tags, trackers, and analytical tools utilized on this website.
Description of service
Content management system for building websites and blogs.
Processing companies
Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States of America
The processing company's data protection officer
Below you can find the e-mail address of the processing company's data protection officer.
Purpose of data
This list represents the purposes of data collection and processing. AuthenticationUser PreferencesCommenting FunctionalityLanguage Settings
Applied technologies
This list represents all technologies this service uses to collect data. Typical technologies are cookies and pixels placed in the browser. Cookies
Collected data
This list represents all (personal) data collected by or through the use of this service. Authentication detailsUser preferencesUser comments dataLanguage settings
Legal basis
In the following, the required legal basis for processing data is stated. Consent under GDPR
Retention period
The retention period is the time during which the collected data is stored for processing purposes. The data must be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the stated processing purposes. * Session to 1 year
Overview of Information Storage Techniques
The service outlined here incorporates various methods for storing information on a user's device. The following section provides a detailed account of these techniques, emphasizing their role in enhancing user experience and adhering to established data protection protocols.
Description of service
Cookies used for the general operation and functionality of the website.
Processing companies
Adress can be found in footer
The processing company's data protection officer
Below you can find the e-mail address of the processing company's data protection officer. Conact website
Purpose of data
This list represents the purposes of data collection and processing. Website Functionality
Applied technologies
This list represents all technologies this service uses to collect data. Typical technologies are cookies and pixels placed in the browser. Cookies
Collected data
This list represents all (personal) data collected by or through the use of this service. User preferences and settings
Legal basis
In the following, the required legal basis for processing data is stated. Legitimate Interest under GDPR
Retention period
The retention period is the time during which the collected data is stored for processing purposes. The data must be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the stated processing purposes. * Typically up to 1 year
Overview of Information Storage Techniques
The service outlined here incorporates various methods for storing information on a user's device. The following section provides a detailed account of these techniques, emphasizing their role in enhancing user experience and adhering to established data protection protocols.
These technologies enable us to analyze the use of the website in order to measure and improve its performance.Description of service
This is a web analytics service. It enables users to measure the return on investment (ROI) from advertising and to track user behavior across flash, video, websites, and applications.
Processing companies
Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Irland
The processing company's data protection officer
Below you can find the e-mail address of the processing company's data protection officer.
Purpose of data
This list represents the purposes of data collection and processing. Website AnalyticsUser TrackingData Analysis
Applied technologies
This list represents all technologies this service uses to collect data. Typical technologies are cookies and pixels placed in the browser. Cookies, Pixel, Javascript
Collected data
This list represents all (personal) data collected by or through the use of this service. Click pathDate and time of visitDevice informationLocation informationIP addressPages visitedReferrer URLBrowser informationHost nameBrowser languageBrowser typeScreen resolutionDevice operating systemUser interaction dataUser behaviorVisited URLCookie ID
Legal basis
In the following, the required legal basis for processing data is stated. Consent under GDPR
Place of treatment
This is the primary place where the collected data is processed. If the data is also processed in other countries, you will be informed separately. * The European Union
Transfer to third countries
This service may forward the collected data to another country. Note that this service may transfer data to a country without the required data protection standards. Below you can find a list of the countries to which the data is transferred. You can get more information about security measures in the provider's privacy policy or by contacting the provider directly. USASingaporeChileTaiwan
Retention period
The retention period is the time during which the collected data is stored for processing purposes. The data must be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the stated processing purposes. * The retention period depends on the type of stored data. Each user can choose how long Google Analytics retains data before it is automatically deleted.
Click here to read the data processor's cookie policy
Overview of Information Storage Techniques
The service outlined here incorporates various methods for storing information on a user's device. The following section provides a detailed account of these techniques, emphasizing their role in enhancing user experience and adhering to established data protection protocols.
These technologies are used by advertisers to show ads that are relevant to you and your interests. In order to be able to target ads on this and other websites, we share the information with companies we collaborate with.